ES-ONWS-5K – Прилагодено 48V 96v 110v 220V 3KW 5KW 10kw 20kw на мрежа со хоризонтална оска магнет AC Wind Solar хибриден систем за генерирање на турбини за напојување

0 customer reviews
Продавач: Budoshop

Current price is: 862.400ден. Original price was: 1.455.300ден.

Current price is: 862.400ден. Original price was: 1.455.300ден.

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Product Description


ES-ONWS-5K – Прилагодено 48V 96v 110v 220V 3KW 5KW 10kw 20kw на мрежа со хоризонтална оска магнет AC Wind Solar хибриден систем за генерирање на турбини за напојување


Други атрибути

Тип на батерија – НИКОЈ
Место на потекло – Гуангдонг, Кина
Име на брендот – ESG
Број на модел – ES-ONWS-5K
Апликација – Индустриски
Излезен напон (V) – 48v
Излезна фреквенција – 50 Hz
Дизајн на проект пред продажба – да
Име на производ – 5kw Ветерна соларна хибридна енергија систем
Апликација – Дом/Фарма итн.
Номинален напон – 120v/220v
Тип на генератор – 3 фазен AC Постојан магнет
Инвертер – поврзан со мрежа Wind Solar Hybrid Inverter
Тип на соларни панели – Монокристален силикон или поли
Брзина на ветерот во старт – 3M/S
Гаранција – 1 година
Прилагодено – Да
Тип на ветерна турбина – Ветерна трубина со хоризонтална/вертикална оска


Стара Цена = 1.455.300 денари (23.663,41 Еу / УСД $ 25.091,38)

Нова Цена = 862.400 денари (14.022,76 Еу / УСД $ 14.868,97)



Количина денари евра долари Денари Евра УС Долари
1 1,078,000.00 17,528.46 18,586.21 506,660.00 8,238.37 8,735.52
денари Евра УС Долари Денари Евра УС Долари
15,870.56 258.06 273.63 43,120.00 701.14 743.45


Количина Денари Евра УС Долари Денари Евра УС Долари денари Евра УС Долари Денари Евра УС Долари
1 862,400.00 14,022.76 14,868.97 862,400.00 14,022.76 14,868.97 560,560.00 9,114.80 9,664.83 301,840.00 4,907.97 5,204.14
2 845,490.20 13,747.81 14,577.42 1,690,980.39 27,495.62 29,154.83 1,099,137.25 17,872.15 18,950.64 591,843.14 9,623.47 10,204.19
5 828,911.96 13,478.24 14,291.59 4,144,559.78 67,391.22 71,457.93 2,693,963.86 43,804.29 46,447.65 1,450,595.92 23,586.93 25,010.27
7 812,658.78 13,213.96 14,011.36 5,688,611.47 92,497.75 98,079.51 3,697,597.45 60,123.54 63,751.68 1,991,014.01 32,374.21 34,327.83
10 796,724.30 12,954.87 13,736.63 7,967,242.95 129,548.67 137,366.26 5,178,707.92 84,206.63 89,288.07 2,788,535.03 45,342.03 48,078.19
12 781,102.25 12,700.85 13,467.28 9,373,227.00 152,410.20 161,607.36 6,092,597.55 99,066.63 105,044.79 3,280,629.45 53,343.57 56,562.58
15 765,786.52 12,451.81 13,203.22 11,486,797.80 186,777.20 198,048.24 7,466,418.57 121,405.18 128,731.35 4,020,379.23 65,372.02 69,316.88
17 750,771.10 12,207.66 12,944.33 12,763,108.67 207,530.22 220,053.60 8,296,020.63 134,894.64 143,034.84 4,467,088.03 72,635.58 77,018.76
20 736,050.10 11,968.29 12,690.52 14,721,001.92 239,365.88 253,810.38 9,568,651.25 155,587.83 164,976.75 5,152,350.67 83,778.06 88,833.63
25 721,617.74 11,733.62 12,441.69 18,040,443.53 293,340.55 311,042.13 11,726,288.30 190,671.35 202,177.38 6,314,155.24 102,669.19 108,864.75


НАПОМЕНА = минимална нарачка е 1 парче




Рок на испорака = 35 – 70 дена


Телефон за контакт & Viber & Whatsapp = ++389-79-332-771


НАПОМЕНА – после секои набавени 45 парчиња ОФФ ГРИД СИСТЕМИ додивате сосема нов и БЕСПЛАТЕН PK-022 – EEC COC сертификат EU 7,5KW Electric Pickup Mini Car Manufacturer Factory Legally Register


Опис на Производот

ES-ONWS-5K – Прилагодено 48V 96v 110v 220V 3KW 5KW 10kw 20kw на мрежа со хоризонтална оска магнет AC Wind Solar хибриден систем за генерирање на турбини за напојување


2,Product Description

Custom 48V 96v 110v 220V 3KW 5KW 10kw 20kw on grid horizontal axis magnet AC Wind Solar hybrid Power Turbine Generator System

3,Product components

Custom 48V 96v 110v 220V 3KW 5KW 10kw 20kw on grid horizontal axis magnet AC Wind Solar hybrid Power Turbine Generator System

Custom 48V 96v 110v 220V 3KW 5KW 10kw 20kw  on grid horizontal axis magnet AC Wind Solar hybrid  Power Turbine Generator System

Custom 48V 96v 110v 220V 3KW 5KW 10kw 20kw on grid horizontal axis magnet AC Wind Solar hybrid Power Turbine Generator System

4,Product specifications

Wind Turbine Technical Parameters:

Custom 48V 96v 110v 220V 3KW 5KW 10kw 20kw on grid horizontal axis magnet AC Wind Solar hybrid Power Turbine Generator System

Solar Panel Technical Parameters:

Model ES480W ES490W ES500W ES510W
Peak Power Watts(Pmax/W) 480 490 500 510
Tolerance (%) 0~+3%
Open Circuit Voltage(Voc) [V] 58.44 58.68 58.92 59.4
Short Circuit Current(Isc) [A] 10.35 10.52 10.68 10.81
Maximum Power Voltage (V) 48.7 48.9 49.1 49.5
Maximum Power Current (A) 9.86 10.02 10.18 10.3
Maximum system voltage (V) 1000V
Operating Temperature(℃) -40 — +85 ℃

 (wind solar hybrid) Controller Technical Parameters:

Wind turbine rated power 1.5KW 2KW 3KW
Wind turbine Max. power 3KW 4KW 6KW
Wind turbine rated voltage AC220V AC220V AC220V
*Solar panels power (optional) 300W 600W 900W
Function Rectifier,control, DC output
Automatic protection function Over voltage protection, network electric cut off protection, regulated supply output, arrester
Manual function Manual brake, reset, emergency switch
Display mode LCD
Display content Wind turbine voltage, current, power; Solar voltage, current, power; DC output voltage, DC output current, DC output power, total power.
PWM constant voltage ≥320dc ≥320dc ≥320dc
Wind turbine 3-phase dump load voltage 350±5Vdc 350±5Vdc 350±5Vdc
Wind turbine 3-phase dump load time-lapse 12-20 min 12-20 min 12-20 min
Solar panels fuse 2A 3A 4A
PWM dump load fuse 10A 10A 16A
Fuse of DC output 16A 16A 20A
Work environment temperature -30-60°C
Relative humidity <90% No condensation
Noise (1m) <40dB
Degree of protection IP20 (Indoor)  IP65 (Outdoors)
Cooling method Forced air cooling
*Communication interface (optional) RS485/USB/GPRS/WIFI/Ethernet
*Temperature compensation (optional) -4mv/°C/2V,-35°C~+80°C,Accuracy:±1°C

On grid wind turbine single phase inverter 3-5KW: 

On grid wind turbine inverter ES3KTL ES5KTL
Rated output power (AC) 3KW 5KW
Max. Output power (AC) 3.3KW 5.5KW
Input voltage rang (DC) 0-450V 0-450V
MPPT Voltage range (DC) 100V-400V 100V-400V
Max. Input current (DC) 11.2A 18.7A
Rated current 10.2A 17A
THD Current harmonic <3%(At rated power)
Power factor >0.99
Max. efficiency 98%
Allowable grid voltage range (AC) 110V/120V/220V (Single-phase)±20%
Allowable grid frequency range 50Hz/60Hz±10%
Automatic operation conditions DC input and power grid meet the requirements, the inverter operates automatically
Restart time after power failure 2min ( Adjustable)
Function wind turbine curve setting
Automatic protection Inverter part: Polarity reverse connection protection, short circuit protection, island effect protection, LVRT, overheat protection, overload protection, ground fault protection, etc
Display Touch screen
Monitoring content DC Input voltage, current, power; inverter output voltage,current ,power; Cumulative power generation; Grid voltage ,Current .
Protection level IP20(Indoor)IP65 (Outdoors)
Telematics RS485/USB/GPRS/WIFI/Ethernet (Optional)
Environment Operating amb. Temp. & Hum  -10-60°C,<90% no condensation
Noise (1m) <40dB
Refrigeration mode  Forced air cooling
Size / weight 450*275*770mm   39kg 450*275*770mm   44kg

Custom 48V 96v 110v 220V 3KW 5KW 10kw 20kw on grid horizontal axis magnet AC Wind Solar hybrid Power Turbine Generator System


Custom 48V 96v 110v 220V 3KW 5KW 10kw 20kw on grid horizontal axis magnet AC Wind Solar hybrid Power Turbine Generator System

7,Our Factroy&team



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Продавач: Budoshop
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